Java intelligent agents and compliance?

Scott 'Webster' Wood (
Mon, 15 Jul 1996 00:21:16 -0400 (EDT)

I am reading through Java! got get a grip on the new craze, and I see a
number of references, but none specific, to ongoing work with intelligent
agents to do WWW collecting, etc. There are even some allusions to the
possibility of sites holding their own databases that could be polled
by the agents to cut down on bandwidth presented by millions of independant
agents each collecting their own information.

I have seen some time talking on this mail list about 'standards' for
providing databases for this purpose that could talk to agents, but I have
not to date seen any references to actual schools of thought, projects or
other collaboratives on this.

Does anyone know of any ongoing discussions on groups using Java or other
mediums to set a standard for collecting agents to go by that would
facilitate a site generated/maintained database instead of the alternatives
used currently?
