Re: "hidden text" vs. META tags for robots/search engines

Martijn Koster (
Sun, 8 Sep 1996 12:10:19 -0700

At 10:48 AM 9/6/96, Todd Sellers wrote:
>I am web content provider, and I've been using the
> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="...">
> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="word1 word2 word3 ... wordn">
>tags to assist robots in indexing my content in search engines.

Great. (nitpick: separate keywords with commas)

>However, I have noticed that some web sites are putting "hidden text"
> at the bottom of their pages with the same information as in the
> "keywords" META tag.

Well, every search engine seems to have it's own policy on these things.
Some refuse to support <META>, on the grounds that they want to ignore
hidden text. According to that position they also ought to ignore
hackishly hidden text, but maybe they haven't gotten round to that.

>I'd prefer not to use this method of "hidden text" if I don't have to, but
>I don't want to exclude my content from popular search engines either.

Well, figure out (by reading docs or just trying) which don't support
<META>, and mail them your opinion. If they don't care, tell all your
friends to switch to one that does :-)

If I were you I'd refuse to mess up my pages and make my users (and image)
suffer for the sake of search engines...

-- Martijn
