Re: ActiveAgent

HipCrime (
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 09:01:21 -0700

Hello Nick ...

The definition and acceptability of "spam" is as yet undetermined,
although federal courts have ruled in favor of FREE SPEECH, deciding
that unsolicited Email is protected by the same constitution rights
as any other message.

It is interesting to note that the more "technically skilled" a
particular netizen is, the more likely this person will be to
complain about unwanted Email.

Newbies realize that things like broadcasting, advertising, and
the like EXIST IN THE REAL WORLD, and as such, fully expect to
find these things "on the Net".

Please come down from your "ivory tower", and know that the
Internet is a reflection of our planet's various societies,
containing tidbits of every aspect of life. This includes
those day-to-day annoyances like "junk" mail.

Besides, "junk" SnailMail kills trees, which can NOT be said
for "junk" Email. It's time to "wake up and smell the Java".

... Robert

P.S. Attached is a list of "comments" regarding HipCrime and
its ActiveAgent. Notice that your opinion has been
expressed by many others. Also note that the opposite
view appears more often. I guess it's true what they
say: "opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one".