Re: ActiveAgent

Rob Hartill (
Fri, 8 Nov 1996 14:02:31 +0000 (GMT)

HipCrime wrote:

>ActiveAgent does NOT skim newsgroups, databases, and/or subscriber
>lists. It locates addresses on published, accessible WWWeb-pages,
>and sends only a single message to each recipient. ActiveAgent will
>contact those people who have invited this comment by displaying their
>Email coordinates in a "please-mail-to-me" context (i.e. a MAILTO
>button on a public page).

What USER_AGENT information does this junk-email generator send ?

This one has to be blocked completely. Forget robots.txt, this needs
a site wide block. It might make a good example for Apache docs
on how to block by USER_AGENT (Apache 1.2)

>To visit, please point your HTML browser at HTTP://HIPCRIME.COM

where it says:

"SysOps, PAY ATTENTION: if you have files that you don't want
the Internet public to use, please don't publish them. Privacy is a
responsibility, not a right. Just as in the case of "listed" versus
"unlisted" phone numbers, it is those who provide the data who
must control its flow, not the consumers who simply find it
on open-display. Think about it. "

What a load of crap.

By sending this mail, my address will now appear in the mailing list
archives which means this spamhead thinks I'm inviting him to send me
unsolicited jumk email.

Do us all a favour, set up a mailing list for people who have nothing better
to do than download junk email over expensive ISPs/telcos all day, and
leave the rest of the world alone to get some honest work done.

BTW, there's a company that pays people to subscribe to "junk" email
systems based on what "junk" the user prefers, and how much of it they
can stomach... now that's a better solution. No details available, I saw
it advertised on the Doubleclick web advertising Network recently.
