Re: An extended version of the Robots...

Darren Hardy (
Sat, 16 Nov 1996 14:25:56 -0800

Martijn Koster wrote:

> - Perl regular expressions
> This makes implementation outside Perl a near impossibility.
> Normal v7 regexps are far easier to deal with.

I would suggest adopting POSIX (egrep) regular expressions.
There's a bunch of code publicly available for it (GNU, BSD)
and is very portable. It's expressive and pretty fast.
However, implementing it in Perl may be difficult/impossible.
I haven't seen any POSIX regular expression support for Perl.

Or, taking a much simpler approach with /bin/sh globbing.
There's public code for that too, but it's a much less
expressive regular expression language. You'll quickly get
frustrated with its lack of expressive power though...

I agree that going with Perl regular expression makes non-Perl
implementations very difficult. I haven't seen any public
code that implements them (other than the Perl source of course :-).

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