Re: Notification protocol?

Peter Jurg (
Sun, 17 Nov 1996 20:37:13 +0100


+I think a notification protocol is probably not very interesting to the big
+robot/search companies - it probably wouldn't improve their services
+perceptibly to they typical user. I think these companies are probably
+investing more in content aggregation and localization than in their robot
+I think notification is of more interest in intranet-style indexing.
+I'd like to see notification addressed in a more general context than just
+indexing, so that it can be used for replication as well -- something that
+might apply to indexing, content replication, and RDBMS replication. I'd be
+interested in others' thoughts about the utility of that.
+ - Mike

How does your idea relate to the work that is done by the IETF find working
group? They try to standardize a protocol for exchanging distributed indexes,
but it could be used for replication of indexes as well I guess.

Peter Jurg

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