define a page?

HipCrime (
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 21:05:11 -0800

Rob Hartill <> wrote:

> Define a "page" !

A single HTML document, returned by a single request to
a server's hypertext transport daemon via a URL of the

And, this is what ActiveAgent can process at the rate of
about 1-2 per second (on a 130Mhz Pentium with a 28800 modem

> click <here> to turn the satelite 0.5 degrees, map the surface
> of the earth in a 100 mile radius and image process the results
> to determine how many trees have fallen this week...

Does anybody really believe there's a page somewhere like this?
Maybe it's naivete', but this seems a tad-bit overstated to me.
The overwhelming majority of pages are requests for archived
data, some are requests for execution of a CGI program. How
many are requests for control of multi-million dollar equipment?

... Robert
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