Re: spam? (fwd)

Otis Gospodnetic (
Sat, 23 Nov 1996 20:07:31 -0500 (EST)

Here is something interesting I got from AA's author and my reactions to it.

> From Sat Nov 23 17:33:32 1996

> The URL which appears in the message is the URL of the
> page which contained the recipient's Email address.
> That way, they can remove it, if they want to.

great, so I have to make myself totally unreachable to my friends and others
just to prevent junk mail from finding me ?
Oh, yes, I don't have to do that, I can just give them passwords and usernames
so that they can access my page ! neat.

> > Are you saying 100% of people respond ?
> Not saying that 100% respond, but of the ones who do, the
> percentages fall as indicated: 1% complaint, 1% request for
> copies, and 98% casual responses. But, close to 50% respond.

that means that 50% of your 'audience' is not at all interested in your
message and most probably pissed off. If you disagree, then why do you think
50% of people don't respond ?
Wouldn't it be much better to at least try targetting your 'audience' so that
all recipients of your messages are interested in their subject ?

> > If you judge the quality of responses then I'm sure it fails.
> Not really. Have you looked at the HipCrime access statistics?
> Almost 10,000 hits on some days, and no day below 1000 this
> month. 10 or 20 copies of AA going out every day.

you're missing the point.
lots of people might be intersted in how this works, or may want to use it for
their (evil?) purposes, but how many people get agrivated when they get that
junk mail ? I bet very few of those people who downloaded it would like to
get some other AA user's junk mail.

btw. is the purpose of your AA to simply promote itself so that more people
find out about it, come to your site and download it ?
And to notify people that their e-mail is publicly available ?
If so, I can think of a dozen better ways to promote and market a piece of
software, etc.

> Besides, don't expect to be able change any of the opinions of
> people on the "robots" list. In fact, never did. So, it'd be a
> waste of their time and mine, to continue.

well, look at the message below, the message victims of AA get.
how do you refer to AA ? As a Webcrawler ?
What's the difference between a Webcrawler and a Web Robot ? I thought you
said that AA is not a Web Robot and thus should not follow the RES, no ?
I guess Mr. Koster is not even aware his Robot is not really a Robot. Funny,
eh ?

> Subject: -- printed on 100% recycled electrons!
> Warning: this message was generated by HipCrime's ActiveAgent, a
> shareware JavaApplet; and as such, may NOT have been sent by the person
> listed in the return address!
> Privacy Alert: Did you know your Email address is publicly available?
> If you're aware of this fact, kindly disregard this message; otherwise,
> please note that it's been published on an unprotected, openly-linked
> web-page, that any person or program can access at:
> This public service announcement was brought to you by ActiveAgent,
> a shareware Java webcrawler, whose development has been sponsored by:
> -- printed on 100% recycled electrons!

Webcrawler. NOT a Robot ! Right....
Why was it announced here then ?

what percentage of people whose e-mail address is publicly available on the
Web are aware of it and don't need to be reminded ? What do you think ?

man, I better go, I have work to do....... the funny thing is...ah, never
mind...there's no point.


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