Regexps (Was: Re: An extended version of the Robots...)

Skip Montanaro (
Sat, 23 Nov 1996 20:55:53 -0500 (EST)

Hallvard> Plain grep regexps may be a good compromise. What's this 'v7'
Hallvard> stuff? Anybody got a (pointer to a) definition? Anybody got
Hallvard> a good public domain regexp implementation?

There are several available. I recommend you check out the POSIX regex
package that (I think) comes with NetBSD, written by regex guru Henry
Spencer. It's not as full-featured as Perl's regex package (nothing is),
but it's available in C source code, it's written to the
POSIX-somethin'-or-other regex spec, so there's a decent chance non-Unix
OS's that try to be POSIX-compliant will have a version, there are hooks
into other languages, and it's widely available, so it's probably
well-debugged. I use a Python module called pregex, written by Neal Becker

Check for a copy the both the
regex library and Neal's Python module.

Skip Montanaro | Musi-Cal: | "It doesn't matter where you get your appetite as
(518)372-5583 | long as you eat at home." -- Sloan Wainwright
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