Re: Standard?

Mon, 2 Dec 96 09:03:47 -0000

>If I include someone's Email address on a page, I don't want to increase
>their risk or flow of 'junk mail'. *They* have not 'deliberately
>solicited the receipt of email'.
>I would like to have a method of saying, in the page, that the Email
>addresses are not for 'automated' use

To borrow a phrase from the Founding Fathers: "We hold these things to
be self-evident."

All published email addresses should in all circumstances be regarded as
exempt from unsolicited bulk email, just as fax machines are currently

The simplest path is to write your Congressional representatives and
encourage them to fix this matter by clarifying the terms of the
anti-junk-fax law to explicitely include protection for email users as
well as fax owners.

- Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
Software Tools for SuperCard, Director, HyperCard, OMO, and more....
US: (800) 288-5825
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