Re: indexing via redirectors

Captain Napalm (
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 15:47:22 -0500 (EST)

It was thus said that the Great Sigfrid Lundberg once stated:
> > My question is: What do spiders usually do when they come across such a
> > link?
> > Will they follow the redirection? If yes, which URL is then indexed?
> > This seems to be important for commercial purposes (pay-per-hits). If
> > the final (destination) URL is indexed, my program will be useless.
> >
> If a spider follows redirects at all, it will delete your URL, and index the
> destination. That's the only sensible way to handle redirects in general,
> isn't it?. Your URL does not deliver any content. This is indeed one of
> the problems with the OCLC PURL schemes.

Response 301 - moved permanently
Response 302 - moved temporarily

and the following URLs:

1. 301 ->
2. 302 ->

I would think (and I'm planning to do this with the my robot) the right
thing to would be to index directly, while
index but keep the URL as, under the assumption that the redirect is
temporary in nature (the server gave a 302 response, no?). If it's any
other error code in the 300 range ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... maybe drop it on
the floor?

-spc (and what is the purpose for 304?)

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