Re: Referencing dynamic pages

Klaus Johannes Rusch (
Wed, 29 Jan 1997 17:09:17 CET

In <>, Thomas Merlin <> writes:
> Hello again,
> Sorry for interrupting again, but I still have a little problem with the
> site I'm supposed to reference.
> As users browse through the site, the pages are built automatically through
> a O2 database gateway.

Even if you build the pages dynamically, you can make the URLs look like static
pages, and not change often, such as using an internal record number, or a
short term for the hotel you reference, like this:


or a bit more complex,


/O2db would be a script that takes PATH_INFO, and depending on the key displays
the dynamically created pages for that hotel. To a search engine, it would look
like a perfectly valid page that gets indexed, while at the same time you don't
have to mess around with the file system but build all the pages from your

Klaus Johannes Rusch

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