People who live in SPAM houses... (Was re: RCPT

Scott 'Webster' Wood (
Fri, 21 Jun 1996 15:10:41 -0400 (EDT)

> Steve,
> I know pegusus mail allows a send of a mail message to request
> confirmation that a message was read. I've never used the feature, but
> it makes me wonder if there is something set in your configuration.
Sorry for the continued spam, but is it absolutely necessary that all messages
directed towards the specific originators of the spam be re-spammed to the
rest of us who already have too many messages in our mailbox? I know my
redirecting this message to this list is somewhat hypocritical of my
comment, but at least mine is directed to everybody. Please try to
send specific comments to the specific users unless there is no question as
to the benefit and relevance to the rest of the list...

Go knows, I already have two digests and four mailing lists coming to my
mailbox. Messages such as those I have been receiving on my busy schedule
lead me to delete anything from robots and may cause me to miss important
