Re: Copyrights on the web

Richard Gaskin - Fourth World (
Tue, 10 Sep 96 17:58:25 -0800

>I'm not a lawyer (too high on the food chain for that), but it seems to me
>that Congress said in the law, that if it is not marked as not copywrited
>(starting after a certain date) it was copywrited.

The year was 1977. I'm not sure of the exact date (anyone here know it?).

>Now everything else before that is is not copywrited unless it marked as
>Therefore there is more unmarked, uncopywrited material than there is
>unmarked, copywrited material.

This is a potentially dangerous assumption, because much of the material
was filed as renewed, and in the event of ownership transfer or
repurposing may not be restricted by old laws and may well be granted the
full rights of post-1977 materials.

>I guess I have to be psyhic (I know, but I couldn't find my dictionary) to
>tell the difference or go with the law of averages and assume it is

Given the explosion of media created since 1977 and the number of
renewals, this is not rational. The general rule of thumb among
multimedia professionals is "When in doubt, leave it out."

Psychic abilities are not required; only a little homework, or taking the
time to create one's own content.

- Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
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