Lets get on task! {was Re: Standard}

Wes Miller (getwired@tico.com)
Tue, 03 Dec 1996 13:34:53 -0800

> I'm not quite sure how enforcible a ban on junk email would be. How is
> the US government going to prosecute a spammer based in taiwan or brazil?

Not enforcable at all. Not that I'm a proponent of Uncle Sam trying

<Yada Yada Yada deleted...>
Can we start talking about robots again? I was in a cybercafe listserv
that died a similar fate because too many people talked about topics
that were WAY off topic.
Please - no more on email/fax spamming.
Yes. That is the law in the U.S.,
No, there is no way to enforce it.
If you want to continue discussing, please do so via private email, not
in the context of the robots@webcrawler.com listserv.
Not trying to be... whiny..., just trying to learn somethin' here.
Wesley G Miller

[My opinions almost definitely do not reflect those of my employer, EDS]
Let's have
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